
Responsible for lawns, shrubs, irrigation, leaf blowing, weeding, bark mulch

If you have questions or need landscape support, please see the Contacts page for contact information.

The Landscape Committee must approve any exterior alteration or repair that involves moving an irrigation water line, plant, shrub or tree removal. This requires submittal of a Tree Removal and Landscape Modification Application or Landscape/Irrigation Change Request (LCR) form. Tree removals also require the approval of the Charbonneau Country Club.

Irrigation: All irrigation requests and concerns should be sent to the Property Manager.

Mowing will be done Monday through Wednesday. This map shows which areas are expected to be mowed on which days

Pruning, details, spraying, crack weeds, limb pickup, and plant rejuvenation will be done on Thursdays.

Bark mulch: The ALTA board is considering changing or discontinuing bark dust application. In the meantime, if you choose to apply it yourself, here are the two relevant regulations:

Planting: for the lists of approved and restricted plants, please see the Documents page.

Useful forms